Greetings from the airport in Salvador!

We made it!!!!!!!!!!!! Ethan, Heidi, Angelo, and I are sitting in the sweltering airport of Salvador de Bahia! Angelo and I have already been mistaken for hot Brazilians, Heidi has been downing some Emergen-C, and Ethan is still considering sitting in the automatic massage chair for the rest of the layover. We’ve all had a hand at speaking some Portuguese (or Spanish in Angelo’s case) and so far… it’s been a success! The flight from Miami was slightly brutal as I had a feisty four year old kicking me the entire night. Yay not sleeping. Angelo, Heidi, and Ethan seemed to get a bit more sleep after a long day of adventuring around South Beach and Little Havana. Eventful moments- getting sneered at by some posh Miami socialite in South Beach, going for a dip in the ocean, and seeing a weird alien Jesus in someone’s yard. Random. We have another four hours to go before we board the flight to Petrolina! Ivy and Tracey should be meeting us here in the next few hours… unless they are lost somewhere on the streets of Salvador..